Kids Definition ice age noun 1 : a time of widespread glaciation 2 capitalized I&A : the most recent such period in the earth's past More from Merriam-Webster on ice age Nglish: Translation of ice age for Spanish Speakers Encyclopedia article about ice age...
Ice Age,the most recent of the earth’s many ice ages, occurring during thePleistoceneEpoch: Our familiar continents were shaped quite differently before the Ice Age. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofice age1 First recorded in 1870–75 ...
Ice age definition: a geologic period during which ice thickly covers vast masses of land. See examples of ICE AGE used in a sentence.
Define ice-age. ice-age synonyms, ice-age pronunciation, ice-age translation, English dictionary definition of ice-age. adj of or relating to an ice age Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publisher
The meaning of THE ICE AGE is the most recent time in the past when a large part of the world was covered with ice. How to use the Ice Age in a sentence.
Define ice age. ice age synonyms, ice age pronunciation, ice age translation, English dictionary definition of ice age. n. 1. A cold period marked by extensive glaciation. 2. Ice Age The most recent glacial period, which occurred during the Pleistocene E
What is an ice age and what factors interact to cause them? This lesson helps answer those questions with the help of graphics and discussion. A lesson summary and brief quiz are also included. What Is an Ice Age? To begin this lesson let's ask the question, what would life have been...
An ice age is a period of colder global temperatures and recurring glacial expansion capable of lasting hundreds of millions of years.
Strictly speaking, this so-called phenomenological definition says that an Ice Age is a period whenever there are layers of ice during the whole year in a long period of existence. For instance, during the last 600,000 years there were 4-5 Ice and Inter Ice Ages. At the same time, ...
Ice Age The term 'Ice Age' as it applies to the area of carbon dioxide can be defined as ' A glacial epoch or time of extensive glacial activity. Also, as Ice Age, which refers to the latest glacial epoch, the Pleistocene Epoch'. The term 'Ice Age' as it applies to the area ...