1c) and could not have been during the last ice age when the Bering Strait was exposed. Moreover, we assume that the δ15N of AHW nitrate has not changed over the study period, as supported by records from the North Atlantic (Methods; Extended Data Fig. 4). Thus, the δ15NN.p. ...
As a first step in this threshold calculation, we use a Monte Carlo simulation to randomly create 10,000 possible sample accumulation histories within the uncertainty bounds defined by our age models. We identify a best fit precipitate timeseries based on which accumulation model results in the ...
Since the achievements must have occurred before age 18, this icebreaker provokes interesting discussions. The game also shows what your employees valued at that age, revealing parts of their personality that you may not have known about previously. 8. Hot Takes Have you ever had a hot take th...
when the Earth’s temperature may have been already cold enough to be considered an ice age — an asteroid strike could have tipped Earth into a “
The results of the radiocarbon dating on 22 samples from core OUK1 are presented in Table3. The three bulk-sediment dates from the lower clay-rich unit yielded a coherent series of ages with increasing age with depth approximating to the long-term mean sedimentation rates for the core. These...
Apparently, much of the sea ice reduction in this region occurs in concert with the termination of the Little Ice Age and the following warming during the 20th century. Click here to read a few reflections on this overall theme. For sea ice in the Nordic Seas the Norwegian scientist ...
The longterm signal of climate change in the Swiss Alps: Glacier retreat since the end of the little ice age and future ice decay scenarios The study presented summarizes selected results of a nationwide glacier inventory project supported by the Swiss National Research Programme (NRP 31) on Cl...
Transitions from cold ice age climates to warmer interstadials have always been accompanied by an increase of the atmospheric concentration of the three principal greenhouse gases. This increase has been, at least for CO 2 , vital for the ending of glacial epochs. A highly simplified course of...
Let us recall the human age example: if we classify people as babies, kids, adolescents, adults, or elderly, then clearly the elderly group must be more correlated with the adults rather than the babies category. Therefore, a loss function that leverages the inter-class relationship is ...
age of the LIA. This study further displays the complex climatic controls on the Himalayan glacier mass balances which make them behave in a considerably different manner than the glaciers in higher latitudes. Our results suggest that the Western Himalayan deglaciation started much earlier in the ...