阿里云数据库事业部共有3篇论文被ICDE 2024接收,其中《Towards a Shared-storage-based Serverless Database Achieving Seamless Scale-up and Read Scale-out》荣获工业和应用赛道的“最佳论文奖”(Industry and Application Track Best Paper Award)。本文将重点解读这篇论文,该论文介绍了PolarDB Serverless的核心技术...
1. 引言 数据库领域顶会 ICDE 2024于5月13-17日在荷兰乌特勒支(Utrecht, Netherlands)举办。ICDE (The International Conference on Data Engineering) 与VLDB、SIGMOD被公认为是国际数据管理领域三大顶级学术会议,此次在荷兰召开的ICDE 2024大会,共吸引北京大学、清华大学、浙江大学、MIT、斯坦福等机构,以及谷歌、微软、...
provide theoretical analysis on the identifiability of the learned causal graph. To the best of our knowledge, this paper makes a first step towards combining sequential recommendation with causal discovery. For evaluating the recommendation performance, we implement our framework with different neural seq...
During the composition of this paper, Yanqing Peng, Feidao, Wangsheng, Leyu, Maijun, and Yuexie contributed a lot. Here, I want to show my special appreciation to Feidao's guidance and help. I also want to express gratitude for Xili's support and Deshi's help and support. Preface "...
便宜云服务器数据库事业部共有3篇论文被ICDE 2024接收,其中《Towards a Shared-storage-based Serverless Database Achieving Seamless Scale-up and Read Scale-out》荣获工业和应用赛道的“最佳论文奖”(Industry and Application Track Best Paper Award)。本文将重点解读这篇论文,该论文介绍了PolarDB Serverless的核心...