赛事1:ICDAR 2023结构化信息抽取大赛(ICDAR 2023 Competition on Structured Text Extraction from Visually-Rich Document Images) 主要组织者:Xiang Bai(华中科技大学),Jingdong Wang(百度),Errui Ding(百度),Dimosthenis Karatzas(Universita...
Reports (full papers) on each competition will be reviewed and, if accepted (the competition ran according to plan, attracted a minimum level of participation and is appropriately described), will be published in the ICDAR 2023 conference proceedings. Participants should not have access to the grou...
(2023). ICDAR 2023 CROHME: Competition on Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions. In: Fink, G.A., Jain, R., Kise, K., Zanibbi, R. (eds) Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023. ICDAR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14188. Springer, Cham. https://doi...
ICDAR 会议是文档分析与识别领域国际顶级会议,自 1991 年起每两年举办一次,涵盖了文档分析与识别领域的最新学术成果和前沿应用发展趋势,吸引了该领域全球顶尖的研发团队和专家学者的参加,ICDAR 2023 是其第十七届会议。ICDAR 2023 文本篡改...
ICDAR 2023 BDVT-QA (Competition for Born Digital Video Text Question Answering)挑战赛即将开启,并开放业内第一个基于数字原生视频文本问答的数据集。竞赛聚焦视频文字的关键技术问题的研究和探索,旨在与全球科研人才一同推动视频文字相关的应用和发展。 视频作为移动互联网时代最常见的内容服务,在购物、直播、短视频...
(2023). ICDAR 2023 Competition on Reading the Seal Title. In: Fink, G.A., Jain, R., Kise, K., Zanibbi, R. (eds) Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023. ICDAR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14188. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41679-...
Please scan the QR code to join the competition group. Prizes and Awards The prize for ICDAR2023 Competition on Detecting Tampered Text in Images is ¥87000 in total, sponsored by Alibaba Group. For task 2: text manipulation detection: 1st Place: ¥40,000 CNY 2nd Place: ¥10,000 CNY 3rd...
赛事1:ICDAR 2023结构化信息抽取大赛(ICDAR 2023 Competition on Structured Text Extraction from Visually-Rich Document Images) 主要组织者:Xiang Bai(华中科技大学),Jingdong Wang(百度),Errui Ding(百度),Dimosthenis Karatzas(Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona),Min Zhang(哈尔滨工业大学),Wanxiang Che(哈尔滨工...
ICDAR2023 数字原生视频文本问答竞赛 赛道1:端到端视频文字识别ICDAR 2023 BDVT-QA (Competition for Born Digital Video Text Question Answering)挑战赛即将开启,并开放业内第一个基于数字原生视频文本问答的数据集。竞赛聚焦视频文字的关键技术问题的研究和探索,旨
example/.DS_Store -1 2023-02-14 14:31:23 __MACOSX/example/._.DS_Store -1 2023-02-14 14:31:23 __MACOSX/example/._competition1 -1 2023-02-14 14:30:30 __MACOSX/example/._competition2 -1 2023-02-14 14:31:23 example/score.py -1 2023-02-14 14:25:47 __MACOSX/example/._sc...