Report codes to the greatest level of specificity.For example, there are ICD-9 codes for a malignant neoplasm of the upper (162.3), middle (162.4), and lower lobes (162.5) of the lung, as well as a code for an “unspecified” site (162.9). If you diagnose asmall cell carcinomain an...
18、le third of esophagus胸腔外科150.5C155Malignant neoplasm of lower third of esophagusMalignant neoplasm of upper lobe, unspecified胸腔外科162.3C3410bronchus or lungMalignant neoplasm of upper lobe,rightbronchus胸腔外科162.3C3411or lung败血症,未明示病原体未伴有急性器官功能障碍的非感染性全身炎症反应症...
malignant 陰莖惡性腫瘤 187.4 187.7 Neoplasm, scrotum, malignant 陰囊惡性腫瘤 187.7 188.9 Bladder cancer 膀胱惡性腫瘤, 膀胱癌 188.9 189.0 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis; Kidney cancer 腎臟惡性腫瘤,腎盂除外;腎臟癌 189.0 189.1 Renal pelvis cancer 腎盂惡性腫瘤 189.1 191.0 Malignant cerebrum tu...
Malignant neoplasm of unsp site of unspecified female breast C56.9 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified ovary C61 Malignant neoplasm of prostate C90.00 Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission D12.6 Benign neoplasm of colon, unspecified D23.9 Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecified E05.00 ...
Varname –Baseline flag Varname –Date of first ICD9 code Cancer Category Cancer Sub-category ICD-9 Code Description admcahx ficahxdt History of Cancer V10 HX OF MALIGNANT NEOPLASM V10.0 HX OF GI MALIGNANCY V10.00 HX OF GI MALIGNANCY NOS ...
(of heart) 風濕性與非風濕性 391.1, 7/76 編碼 編碼結果 中文保險病名 英文保險病名 編碼原則說明 項次 單一代碼 範圍代碼 無法編碼 394.0-397.9, 424.0-424.99 125 手腕隧道症候群 Carpal tunnel syndrome 354.0 支氣管及肺惡性腫Malignant neoplasm of bronchus 126 162.2-162.9 瘤 and lung 127 支氣管廔...
五年 140-208惡性腫瘤Malignantneoplasm 二、先天性凝血因子異常。永久 286.0(一)先天性第八凝血因子異常〔A型血友病〕 CongenitalfactorⅧ disorder 286.1(二)先天性第九凝血因子異常〔B型血友病〕 CongenitalfactorⅨ disorder 286.2(三)先天性第十一凝血因子異常〔C型血友病〕 CongenitalfactorXI deficiency 286.3(四)...
Malignant neoplasm uvula 1455 Malignant neo palate NOS 1456 Malig neo retromolar 1458 Malig neoplasm mouth NEC 1459 Malig neoplasm mouth NOS 1460 Malignant neopl tonsil 1461 Mal neo tonsillar fossa 1462 Mal neo tonsil pillars 1463 Malign neopl vallecula 1464 Mal neo ant epiglottis 1465 Mal neo...
Neoplasm 3 6 2 0 1 9 Adenocarcinoma(腺癌)of stomach, 工具書Volumes II索引 由key word:Adenocarcinoma M8140/3,其部位由 see also Neoplasm(腫瘤), by site ( stomach) , malignant Stomach 151.9 197.8 230.2 211.1 235.2 239.0 Adenocarcinoma of stomach 151.9+M8140/3 ...