《ICD-10-CM编码和报告的官方指南》中恶性肿瘤主要诊断选择相关内容(一):翻译第一~三大条 《ICD-10-CM编码和报告的官方指南》中恶性肿瘤主要诊断选择相关内容(二):翻译第四~七大条 本期翻译第八~十二大条。g. Symptoms, signs, and abnormal findings listed in Chapter 18 associated with neoplasms 第 1...
Online 2016 ICD-10-CM · Tabular List · Alpha Index · ICD-9/ICD-10 conversion · ICD-10-PCSICD-10-CM TABULAR LIST of DISEASES and INJURIES1 Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99) 2 Neoplasms (C00-D49) 3 Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain ...
关键字 (keyword) 字典中的任何Dictionary_icd_10_updated术语,该词典基于国际疾病分类、第十次修订、临床修改 (ICD-10-CM)。 此类型只查找术语,而不查找保险代码。 关键字 (keyword) 字典中的任何Dictionary_icd_10_codes术语,该词典基于国际疾病分类、第十次修订、临床修改 (ICD-10-CM)。 此类型只查找保...
關鍵詞字典中Dictionary_icd_10_updated的任何詞彙,根據國際疾病分類、第十個修訂、臨床修改 (ICD-10-CM)。 此類型只會尋找詞彙,而非保險代碼。 關鍵詞字典中Dictionary_icd_10_codes的任何詞彙,根據國際疾病分類、第十個修訂、臨床修改 (ICD-10-CM)。 此類型只會尋找保險代碼,而非描述。
ICD-10-CM PCS 诊断分类系统说明书
關鍵詞字典中Dictionary_icd_10_updated的任何詞彙,根據國際疾病分類、第十個修訂、臨床修改 (ICD-10-CM)。 此類型只會尋找詞彙,而非保險代碼。 關鍵詞字典中Dictionary_icd_10_codes的任何詞彙,根據國際疾病分類、第十個修訂、臨床修改 (ICD-10-CM)。 此類型只會尋找保險代碼,而非描...
ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2019更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....
ICD-10-CM has to be used after October 2015. This app will greatly reduce your coding time. It is very useful to every physician, medical student and everybody else in medical profession. It includes the latest ICD-10-CM codes since November 2014 (