In the general population, poor SWB was associated to psychiatric diagnosis (depression and others); the productive age; living alone (single; separated or widowed); lower schooling; higher income; history of mental illness in the family; the non-practice of religion and the use of antidepressant...
hpi - History of Present Illness of a patient encounter. immunizations - List of immunizations for a given patient. insurance - List of all insurance information for a given patient. issues - List of all medical issues (active or inactive) for a given patient. labs - List of all lab ...
V15.49 (Z91.49) Other Personal History of Psychological Trauma V15.59 (Z91.5) Personal History of Self-Harm V62.22 (Z91.82) Personal History of Military Deployment V15.89 (Z91.89) Other Personal Risk Factors V69.9 (Z72.9) Problem Related to Lifestyle V71.01 (Z72.811) Adult Antisocial...
The tenth revision of the International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (ICD-10) introduced the category F23 ‘Acute and transient psychotic disorders’ (ATPD) to incorporate clinical concepts such as the Frenchbouffée délirante, cycloid psychosis (Germany), and the Scandinavian rea...