A "code blue" was called, and CPR was administered without a return to consciousness. The final diagnosis on the ED record was "Cardiopulmonary arrest, probably secondary to an acute myocardial infarction induced by exertion." Which diagnosis codes are reported? 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 I46.9, Y93...
Please see> ICD-10, P4 The Department of Health and Hu- man Services has issued a final rule on HIPAA electronic standards that would replace ICD-9 code sets with the greatly expanded ICD-10 code sets for claims, remittance advice, eligibility inquiries, refer- ral authorizations, and other...
In summary, we proposed the SV to validate the transition between ICD-10 and ICD-11 from code level. The SR, UR, and IG metrics were proposed to evaluate the changes of entropy during the code-to-code process. 2.2.2. Single-Disease Dataset Validation (SDV) Based on the SV with ...