DD90.3 Functional dyspepsia ▽DD90.4 Functional nausea or vomiting 8A80.4 Cyclic vomiting syndrome DD90.5 Functional belching disorders DD90.6 Adult rumination syndrome DD90.Y Other specified functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders DD90.Z Functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders, unspecifi...
功能性胃肠疾病位置及分类 XI Diseases of the digestive system:K20-K31 Diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum :K30 Functional dyspepsia 功能性消化不良K55-K64 Other diseases of intestines 其他肠道疾病K58 Irritable bowel syndrome 肠易激综合征K59 Other functional intestinal disorders 其他功能性肠...
without bleeding K30 Functional dyspepsia K310 Acute dilatation of stomach K311 Adult hypertrophic pyloric stenosis K315 Obstruction of duodenum K316 Fistula of stomach and duodenum K317 Polyp of stomach and duodenum ICD10 Diagnosis 2016 K31811 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum with bleeding K31...
For instance, primary prevention of peptic ulcer by means of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs does not provide evidence of an active disease, and therapy for functional dyspepsia may be disputable. If the acute nature of bacterial infection may explain the poor fit between diagnoses and drug-...
536.8 Dyspepsiaandotherspecifieddisordersoffunctionofstomach 276.9 Electrolyte and fluid disorders, not elsewhere classified V56.8 Encounter for other dialysis 307.6 Enuresis 530.81 Esophageal reflux 530.10 Esophagitis, unspecified 401.9 $ Essential hypertension, unspecified ...
[5] ChenSQ. Clinical application of PDCA cycle to nursing care of cerebral infarction patients with functional dyspepsia[J]. World Chinese Journal of Digestology, 2017,25(16):1486. [6] 刘万娟 .PDCA 循环法在小儿支气管肺炎护理管理中的应用 [J]. 齐鲁护理杂志 ,2018,24(9):87-89. ...
常用診斷ICD-9-CM代碼與診斷名稱【一般小兒科】789.30 Abdominalorpelvicswelling,mass,orlump,unspecifiedsite789.00 Abdominalpain,unspecifiedsite706..