Top 200 ICD-10 Codes Sorted by Code ICD9 Code Description 042 HIV Disease 070.54 Hepatitis C Viral 174.9 Malignant Neoplasm breast,unspecified 183.0 Malignant Neoplasm Ovary 185 Malignant Neoplasm Prostate 203.00 Multiple Myeloma without remission 211.3 Benign Neoplasm Colon 216.9 Benign Neoplasm Skin, ...
2001年ICD-9-CM疾病碼一覽表 ICD- 是否有效碼 英文名稱 code 001 N ● *Cholera 0010 Y Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 0011 Y Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae el tor 0019 Y Cholera, unspecified 002 N ● *Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers 0020 Y Typhoid fever 0021 Y Paratyphoid fever A 0022 Y ...
cases received multiple ICD-9-CM codes for pneumonia more often than noncases/equivocal cases (63.6%vs.47.6%,P ¼.16).In contrast,most HSV patients received only one ICD-9-CM code (65.3%),regardless of case status (66.8%vs.56%,P ¼.29).Physician prescription was part of the gold...