iCoder provides tools for orthopedics, biopsies, wound repair, skin replacement, lesions, fine needle, destruction surgery, and many others. Synchronization Your favorites and recent codes are securely stored on the cloud and synchronized to all your devices automatically, allowing you to use iCoder ...
HS/AI is a chronic, relapsing, inflammatory, potentially mutilating skin disease of the terminal pilosebaceous glands that manifests with painful, inflammatory lesions in the apocrine glandular regions of the body, particularly the axillary, inguinal, and anogenital regions. Intensive clinical and ...
CodePrimarysiteto: C44.5(Skinoftrunk) C44.5 ICD-O3rdEdition PrincipleRules RuleC.Tumorsinvolvingmorethanonetopographiccategoryorsubcategory.Usesubcategory“.8”whenatumoroverlapstheboundariesoftwoormorecategoriesorsubcategoriesanditspointoforigincannotbedetermined. ICD-O3rdEdition Example: Adenocarcinomaofupper...
For example, if a patient had a trophic defect in the heel region on the left, we used Edf11.5.2l—non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic foot syndrome, trophic ulcer of the calcaneal region of the foot on the left, with lesions of the skin and subcutaneous fat. When the...
skin lesions骨科ICD-10编码(国外英文资料)骨科ICD-10编码(国外英文资料)The orthopaedic ICD - 10 code87.211myelography86.601Free skin transplantation92.141Bone scan86.611Full-thickness skin grafts93.211Technique and mechanical traction86.621Han樱焕壕谤员樟体妖铬宋抓涩谩那租哭浸垒毒暇娟陡噶了稽碌日羽腊腋...
iCoder provides tools for orthopedics, biopsies, wound repair, skin replacement, lesions, fine needle, destruction surgery, and many others. Synchronization Your favorites and recent codes are securely stored on the cloud and synchronized to all your devices automatically, allowing you to use iCoder ...
iCoder provides tools for orthopedics, biopsies, wound repair, skin replacement, lesions, fine needle, destruction surgery, and many others. Synchronization Your favorites and recent codes are securely stored on the cloud and synchronized to all your devices automatically, allowing you to use iCoder ...
iCoder provides tools for orthopedics, biopsies, wound repair, skin replacement, lesions, fine needle, destruction surgery, and many others. Synchronization Your favorites and recent codes are securely stored on the cloud and synchronized to all your devices automatically, allowing you to use iCoder ...
iCoder provides tools for orthopedics, biopsies, wound repair, skin replacement, lesions, fine needle, destruction surgery, and many others. Synchronization Your favorites and recent codes are securely stored on the cloud and synchronized to all your devices automatically, allowing you to use iCoder ...