404.01Hypertensiveheartandkidneydisease,malignant,427.81SickSinusSyndrome[juveniletype],notstated as uncontrolled. with heart failure and CKD Stage I - IV 428.0 Congestive Heart Failure 250.02 DM without mention of complication Type II, 404.02 Hypertensive heart and kidney disease, malignant, 429.0 Myocardi...
心脏性猝死(SCA)所有的肿瘤 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% NationalVitalStatisticsReport.2001;49;11.MMWR.2002;51:123-126.心血管病死亡率趋势:美国:1979-2003* DeathsinThousands 5205004804604404204000 79808590950003 YearsMales State-SpecificMortalityfromSuddenCardiacDeath.cdc.gov Females HeartDiseaseandStroke...
40、olactone added to an aniotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and a loop diuretic for severe chronic congestive heart failure(the Randomized Aldactone Evaluation StudyRALES.Am J Cardiol.1997;78:902. 研究研究人数人数死亡人数死亡人数 心血管病心血管病 死亡人数死亡人数 猝死人数猝死人数 猝死率猝死率% ...
6、 “1”With congestive heart failure(合併充血性心臟衰竭) 10 134 23 “2”With congestive renal failure(合併腎臟衰竭) “2”With renal failure(合併腎臟衰竭) 10 135 2 and renal failure with hypertension Congestive heart failure due to hypertension; renal failure 10 136 25 冠狀動脈粥樣硬化代碼414...
Congestive heart failuredue tohypertension; renal failure 10 136 25 冠狀動脈粥樣硬化代碼414.0 冠狀動脈粥樣硬化代碼414.0x 10 137 19 Infarction可得代碼411.89(*3) Infarction可得代碼411.1 10 137 20 慢性缺血性心臟病(Chronic ischemic heart disease)代碼414.0x,可依lschemic為索引關鍵字。第五碼位表示患者罹病...
Background: The clinical value of interventricular(V-V) delay optimization in patients with chronic congestive heart failure(CHF) undergoing implantation of a device for cardiac resynchronization therapy(CRT) has not been clearly demonstrated. Methods: RHYTHM II was a single-blind randomized trial ...
4TheRALEInvestigators.Effectivenessofspironolactoneaddedtoananiotensin-convertingenzymeinhibitorandaloopdiureticforseverechronic congestiveheartfailure(theRandomizedAldactoneEvaluation Study[RALES]. Am J Cardiol .1997;78:902. 早期除颤 – 成功救治的关键 100 90 80 70 每分钟减少 成功机会 7 - 10% % ...
5. Gottdiener JS, Arnold AM, Aurigemma GP, et al. Predictors of congestive heart failure in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study.J Am Coll Cardiol.2000;35(6):1628-1637. 6. Bansal N, Katz R, Robinson-Cohen C, et al. Absolute rates of heart failure, coronary heart disease, an...
Congestive Heart Failure12339 (16.84%)5628 (7.19%) Periphral Vascular Disease3798 (5.18%)3042 (3.89%) Cerebrovascular Disease5329 (7.27%)2748 (3.51%) Dementia2175 (2.97%)728 (0.93%) Chronic Pulmonary Disease11989 (16.36%)6762 (8.64%)
- BD10.Z Congestive heart failure, unspecified - CB60.0Z Acute respiratory failure, unspecified - GB60.0 Acute kidney failure, stage 1 Post-coordination must never be used to replicate the meaning of a condition with an existing stem code. For example; there is a code for fracture of ulna,...