Block M, Bansch D, Gradaus R et al (2008) Curricu- lum„Praxis der ICD-Therapie". Kardiologe 2:49-64Block M, Bansch D, Gradaus R, Jung W, Schols W, Stellbrink C, Wichter T, Zrenner B (2008) Curriculum „Praxis der ICD-Therapie". Kardiologe 2:49-64...
GradausDepartmentADepartmentHeineckeDepartmentBMJHeart Official Journal of the British Cardiac SocietyBode-Schnurbus L,Bocker D,Block M, et al.QRS duration:a simple marker for predicting cardiac mortality in ICD patients with heart failure. Heart . 2003...
Gradaus, R.; Block, M.; Brachmann, J.; Breithardt, G.; Huber, H.G.; Jung, W.; Kranig, W.; Mletzko, R.U.; Schoels, W.; Seidl, K.; et al. Mortality, Morbidity, and Complications in 3,344 Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Esults From the German ICD Regi...