ICD-9診斷查詢 ICD-9 (2001) English 中文 ICD-9 (1992) 002.0 Typhoid fever 傷寒 002.0 003.0 Salmonellosis 沙門氏菌病 003.0 004.0 Shigella dysenteriae 志賀桿菌性痢疾 004.0 004.9 Shigellosis 志賀桿菌病 004.9 009.0 Infectious colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis 感染性(傳染性)大腸炎,腸炎及胃腸炎 009...
51、390Urinary tract infection, site not specified基层常见2014 版基层科别ICD-9ICD-102014 版英文名称感染科038.9A419Sepsis, unspecified organismSystemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)of non-infectious origin without acute organ感染科038.9R6510dysfunctionSystemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)of ...
9-CM疾病碼一覽表 ICD- 是否有效碼 英文名稱 code 042 Y Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV )infection disease 045 N ● *Acute poliomyelitis 0450 N ● *Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar 04500 Y Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar, poliovirus, unspecified type 04501 Y Acute...
常用診斷ICD-9-CM代碼與診斷名稱【一般小兒科】 789.30 Abdominalorpelvicswelling,mass,orlump,unspecifiedsite 789.00 Abdominalpain,unspecifiedsite 706.0 Acnevarioliformis 372.05 Acuteatopicconjunctivitis 466.19 Acutebronchiolitisduetootherinfectiousorganisms 466.0 Acutebronchitis 372.00 Acuteconjunctivitis,unspecified ...
lower limb右侧下肢急性淋巴管炎内分泌科682.6L03126Acute lymphangitis of left lower limb左侧下肢急性淋巴管炎内分泌科682.6L03129Acute lymphangitis of unspecified part of limb肢体未明示部位急性淋巴管炎基层科别基层常见ICD-92014版ICD-102014版英文名称2014版中文名称内科038.9A419Sepsis, unspecified organism...
Use the ICD-9 Alphabetic Index and Tabular List to find the correct diagnosis code(s). If you look up Oophoritis in the Alphabetic Index, there are no separate definitions for acute and chronic, but... the index instructs the coder to "See also Salpingo-oophoritis". Then, the Alphabet...
Wilson SE, Deeks SL, Rosella LC. Importance of ICD-10 coding directive change for acute gastroenteritis (unspecified) for rotavirus vaccine impact studies: illustration from a population-based cohort study from Ontario, Canada. BMC Res Notes. 2015;8:439....
Importance of ICD-10 coding directive change for acute gastroenteritis (unspecified) for rotavirus vaccine impact studies: illustration from a population-b... In our original analysis, any one of the International Classification of Disease, Version 10 (ICD-10) codes was used for outcome ascertainment...
unspecified 453.40 Acute embolism and thombos unspec 462 Acute pharyngitis 472.0 Chronic rhinitis 477.0 Allergic rhinitis due to pollen 9/10/15 ICD10 Code ICD10 Desc B20 HIV Disease B18.2 Chronic viral hepatitis c C50.919 Malignant neoplasm of unsp site of unspecified female breast C56.9 Malignant...