! Annual results in all ICD9 data suggest increasing head and particularly arm injuries beyond 1996 to 2000, a worsening trend maintained within the ICD10 data to 2008 as cyclist numbers gradually recovered from their 1991/92 slump. ! Whichever way the head/arm injury data is diced from the...
allowing her, under its heavy cloud, to take on greater variety of work than ever previously available to women. Her burning desire to visit California turned, oddly, not into a trip to California, but into a job with the U.
My prompt has to do with “undercurrents” in poetry. The examination of the layers of a moment or experience is frankly something most poets do unprompted. Nonetheless, I look forward to seeing what the wonderful poets at dVerse will do today, and urge you to check out the prompt and th...
I urge everyone to get out and vote. I also urge everyone to support voting, and to call out voter ID laws for what they are–acts of suppression. I have worked at polling sites, and can tell you that it is not only hard for some (especially the poor, the old and the young) ...