The ICD-10 codes of primary intracerebral hemorrhage are as follows: subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) I60 and intracerebral hemorrhage I61; when the etiology and location of secondary intracerebral hemorrhage can be combined, the corresponding ICD-10 code is subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) I60; if the ...
I60.22Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left anterior communicating artery S02.10XAUnspecified fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture S02.10XBUnspecified fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for open fracture ...
Diagnostic classification of organic psychiatric disorders after aneurys- mal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a comparison between ICD- 10, DSM-IV and the Lindqvist & Malmgren classification system. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2003;108:222-31.Rodholm M, Hellstrom P, Bilting M, Starmark JE. Diagnostic ...
10th revision (ICD-10CM) codes for deep venous thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolism (PE) whereas MB was defined using codes for intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, upper, and lower gastrointestinal bl... F Al-Ani,S Shariff,L Siqueira,... - 《Thrombosis...
36、aumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage affecting非创伤性蛛网膜下腔出血复健科438.20I69059unspecified side后遗症复健科438.20I69159Hemiplegia and hemiparesis following未明示侧性偏瘫 / 轻偏瘫,nontraumatic intracerebralhemorrhage affectingunspecified sideHemiplegia and hemiparesis following othernontraumatic intracranial ...
code than similar codes in ICD-10. • 80024 (ICD-9) - Closed fracture of vault of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level ...
subarachnoid hemorrhage from unsp intracran art I608 Other nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage I609 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, unspecified I610 Nontraumatic intcrbl hemorrhage in hemisphere, subcortical I611 Nontraumatic intcrbl hemorrhage in hemisphere, cortical I612 Nontraumatic intracerebral ...
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛網膜下腔出血 430 431 Intracerebral hemorrhage;Cerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血;大腦出血 431 432.1 Subdural hemorrhage 硬腦膜下出血 432.1 432.9 Intracranial hemorrhage 顱內出血 432.9 434.90 Cerebral infarction;Cerebral artery occlussion 腦梗塞;腦動脈阻塞 434.9 434.91 Cerebral infarction...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 国际疾病分类法[ICD8].docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 International Classification of Diseases (000) Cholera (001) Typhoid fever (002) Paratyphoid fever (003) Other Salmonella infections (004) Bacillary dysentery (005) Food...
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛網膜下腔出血 430 431 Intracerebral hemorrhage;Cerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血;大腦出血 431 432.1 Subdural hemorrhage 硬腦膜下出血 432.1 432.9 Intracranial hemorrhage 顱內出血 432.9 434.90 Cerebral infarction;Cerebral artery occlussion 腦梗塞;腦動脈阻塞 434.9 434.91 Cerebral infarction...