8 95.1 form & structur eye exam* 9. 9 10. 10 tp2 contains nothing when proc2 is 17 because 17 is not a valid procedure code. icd9[p] generate can also create variables containing main codes: . icd9 generate main1 = diag1, main . list patid diag1 main1 in 1/10 patid diag1...
Top 200 ICD-10 Codes Sorted by Code ICD9 Code Description 042 HIV Disease 070.54 Hepatitis C Viral 174.9 Malignant Neoplasm breast,unspecified 183.0 Malignant Neoplasm Ovary 185 Malignant Neoplasm Prostate 203.00 Multiple Myeloma without remission 211.3 Benign Neoplasm Colon 216.9 Benign Neoplasm Skin, ...
exam 01692 Gu TB NOS-exam unkn 01693 Gu TB NOS-micro dx 01694 Gu TB NOS-cult dx 01695 Gu TB NOS-histo dx 01696 Gu TB NOS-oth test 01700 TB skin/subcutan-unspec 01701 TB skin/subcut-no exam 01702 TB skin/subcut-exam unkn 01703 TB skin/subcut-micro dx 01704 TB skin/subcut-...
skin/subcutan-unspec 01701 TB skin/subcut-no exam 01702 TB skin/subcut-exam unkn 01703 TB skin/subcut-micro dx 01704 TB skin/subcut-cult dx 01705 TB skin/subcut-histo dx 01706 TB skin/subcut-oth test 01710 Erythema nodos tb-unspec 01711 Erythem nodos tb-no exam 01712 Erythem nod...
Foodpoisd/tc.perfrin 0053Foodpois:clostridNEC 0054Foodpois:v.parahaem 00581Foodpoisnd/tv.vulnif 00589BactfoodpoisoningNEC 0059FoodpoisoningNOS 0060Acamebiasisw/oabscess 0061Chramebiasisw/oabsces 0062Amebicnondysentcolitis 0063Amebicliverabscess 0064Amebiclungabscess 0065Amebicbrainabscess 0066Amebicskin...
10/25 Prostate Cancer Biopsy If a physical exam or PSA test suggests a problem, your doctor may recommend a biopsy. A needle is inserted either through the rectum wall or the skin between the rectum and scrotum. Multiple small tissue samples are removed and examined under a ...
6月10日 15:41 来自荣耀浏览器 《烟民病——Buerger病 | 戒烟,刻不容缓》百度搜索精选视频,打开看看吧!O网页链接 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 KristyRuan 6月5日 21:53 来自荣耀浏览器 《Carotid Duplex Exam》百度搜索精选视频,打开看看吧!O网页链接 ...
Foodpoisd/tc.perfrin 0053Foodpois:clostridNEC 0054Foodpois:v.parahaem 00581Foodpoisnd/tv.vulnif 00589BactfoodpoisoningNEC 0059FoodpoisoningNOS 0060Acamebiasisw/oabscess 0061Chramebiasisw/oabsces 0062Amebicnondysentcolitis 0063Amebicliverabscess 0064Amebiclungabscess 0065Amebicbrainabscess 0066Amebicskin...