Screening of novel immunogenic cell death inducers within the NCI mechanistic diversity set. Oncoimmunology. 2014;3: e28473. Article Google Scholar Vanpouille-Box C, Demaria S, Formenti SC, Galluzzi L. Cytosolic DNA sensing in organismal tumor control. Cancer Cell. 2018;34(3):361–78. ...
arerequiredforICDandthatthisultimatelyleadsThefirstsystematicscreeningforagentsthatcaninduce totheactivationofpotentanticancerimmunity4,21–24.ThatICDincancercellsidentifieddoxorubicin,mitoxantrone 7 theimmunesystemisinvolvedintheresponseofaandγ-irradiationasefficientinducers.Theabilityof ...
(h) Encounters for testing for HIV If a patient is being seen to determine his/her HIV status, use code V73.89, Screening for other specified viral disease. Use code V69.8, Other problems related to lifestyle, as a secondary code if an asymptomatic patient is in a known high risk group...