arthritis oflowerleg 16 213 19~20 041.10 Staphlococcus,unspecified 041.11 Staphylococcus aureus 16 214 7~8 其代碼為720.9Rheumatoid arthritis of spine NOS; 其代碼為720.0Rheumatoid arthritis of spine NOS; 16 216 4 查到代碼Olddisruption of.. 查到代碼717.84 Olddisruption of 16 216 26 及Replacement...
syndrome, trophic ulcer of the plantar surface of the right foot in the projection of the metatarsophalangeal joints, with lesions of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue). Accordingly, after analysing the treatment performed, one can assume the cause of the deterioration of the wound process...