The complete feature selection process was performed for each fold of the whiteCAT experiment individually, followed by a retraining of the classifier on the final 10 features. The features for the replication cohort experiment were selected by aggregating the feature importance of all folds of the ...
with status epilepticus G40802 Other epilepsy, not intractable, without status epilepticus G40804 Other epilepsy, intractable, without status epilepticus G4089 Other seizures G40901 Epilepsy, unsp, not intractable, with status epilepticus ICD10 Diagnosis 2016 G40909 Epilepsy, unsp, not intractable, ...
The secondary site may be the principal or first-listed with the V10 code used as a secondary code. e. Admissions/Encounters involving chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation therapy 1) Episode of care involves surgical removal of neoplasm When an episode of care involves the surgical removal ...
The inclusion criterion was confirmed laryngeal cancer treated with surgical therapy. The exclusion criteria were previous radiation therapy on the head and neck region and neoadjuvant therapy. All patients gave written informed consent for inclusion in the study. The use of these clinical materials was...