left ear H8109 Meniere's disease, unspecified ear H8110 Benign paroxysmal vertigo, unspecified ear H8113 Benign paroxysmal vertigo, bilateral H8120 Vestibular neuronitis, unspecified ear H81399 Other peripheral vertigo, unspecified ear H8190 Unspecified disorder of vestibular function, unspecified ear H...
The adrenal medulla also secretes norepinephrine (e.g., 75 percent epinephrine and 25 percent norepinephrine) and produces a peripheral effect that typically lasts much longer than that produced by stimulation of the sympathetic postganglionic terminal knobs. While circulating norepinephrine can increase ...
disease 36330 Chorioretinal scar NOS 36331 Solar retinopathy 36332 Macular scars NEC 36333 Posterior pole scar NEC 36334 Peripheral retinal scars 36335 Disseminated retina scar 36340 Choroidal degen NOS 36341 Senile atrophy, choroid 36342 Difus sec atroph choroid 36343 Angioid streaks, choroid 36350 ...
Diabetic foot syndrome combines pathological changes in the peripheral nervous system, arterial and microcirculatory bed and osteoarticular apparatus of the foot, which pose an immediate threat, or the development of ulcerative-necrotic processes and gangrene of the foot [5,6,7,8]. Diabetic foot syn...