Here is an example of what an ICD-10-PCS code looks like: 047K0ZZ. This is the ICD-10-PCS code for the dilation of a right femoral artery using an open approach. ICD-10-PCS vs. ICD-10-CM The U.S. also uses ICD-10-CM (Clinical Modification) for diagnostic coding. The main dif...
1.对主要诊断和次要诊断都进行了确定性治疗的手术操作 a.选择与主要诊断最相关的确定性治疗的手术操作作为主要手术操作。2.对主要诊断和次要诊断都进行了确定性治疗的手术操作和诊断性手术操作 a.选择与主要诊断最相关的确定性治疗的手术操作作为主要手术操作。3.对主要诊断进行了诊断性手术操作,同时对次要诊断进行了...
ICD-10-CM下的診斷編碼使用3至7位數字,而不是ICD-9-CM使用的3至5位數字,但代碼組的格式相似。 住院病例程序報告 ICD-10-PCS是一套代碼集,旨在取代ICD-9-CM第3卷,用於住院患者手術報告。 它將由醫院和付款人使用。 這將需要對用戶進行重要的培訓。 醫生應該意識到ICD-CM-PCS下的文件要求有很大不同,所以...
ICD-10-CM PCS 诊断分类系统说明书
(1) ICD-10-PCS定义准确,贴合临床术语,选择便捷,培训时间相对较短。 (2) ICD-9-CM-3编码对手术描述不精确,医生在回顾分析及开发临床路径时使用该数据可能会对研究结果造成偏差。ICD-10-PCS提供了较多与临床相关的描述,且根据需求可对不同轴心内容自由组合...
ICD-10-PCS General CodeSetTraining 2013 Part3 iiICD-10-PCSGeneralCodeSetTraining©2013AAPC.Allrightsreserved. 071113 Disclaimer Tiscoursewascurrentatthetimeitwaspublished.Tiscoursewaspreparedasatooltoassistthe participantinunderstandinghowtoprepareforICD-10-CM.Althougheveryreasonablee orthas...
Structure of ICD-10-PCS Codes:In the structure,1st digit — Name of the section 2nd digit — Body System 3rd digit — Root Operation 4th digit — Body Part 5th digit — Approach 6th digit — Device 7th digit — QualifierFor the example shown above, ICD-10 code for knee joint ...
ICD-10-PCShas7 characters Eachcanbeeither alphaornumeric Numbers0-9;lettersA- H,J-N,P-Z Alphacharactersare notcase-sensitive Eachcodemusthave7 characters ICD-10 AHIMA ICD-9-CM ICD-10-PCS 3 . X X X X X X X X 1 1 2 2
Transplantation represents a small number of procedures in ICD-10-PCS. Some example procedures include a kidney transplant or heart transplant. Note that bone marrow, stem cell, and pancreatic islet cell transplants are not included in the Transplantation root operation. Rather, these are assigned ...