ICD-10-PCS用于临床,兼顾统计。随着医疗水平的提高、医疗技术的日新月异,加之电子病历系统功能不断完善及公立医院绩效考核、DRG/DIP等医保支付方式改革的推进,ICD-10-PCS逐渐受到关注。 ICD-10-PCS由索引、表格和编码列表三部分组成,其分类方式与ICD-9-CM-3不同:ICD-9-CM-3的类目以“线”分类,ICD-10-PCS的...
ICD-10-CM Codes-CPT Codes-HCPCS Codes-ICD-10-PCS Codes-Online Encoder TabularIndex SearchCode CrosswalksCCI ValidatorMedicare PoliciesNPI Lookup Your company far surpasses other companies with not only price, but your support and the help I have received has been amazing. No other company helps ...
ICD-10-CM Codes - CPT Codes - HCPCS Codes - ICD-10-PCS Codes - Online Encoder Tabular Index Search Code Crosswalks CCI Validator Medicare Policies NPI Lookup Your company far surpasses other companies with not only price, but your support and the help I have received has been amazing. No...
The Right Code, Right Now ICD-10-CM Codes-CPT Codes-HCPCS Codes-ICD-10-PCS Codes-Online Encoder Your company far surpasses other companies with not only price, but your support and the help I have received has been amazing. No other company helps the customer the way you have helped me...
本篇翻译《ICD-10-PCS编码和报告的官方指南(2024版)》中关于主要手术操作的选择说明,来源CMS.gov:原文:笔者翻译,仅供参考:F.主要手术操作的选择 当进行了多个手术操作时,应将以下说明用于主要手术操作的选择和阐明与主要诊断的关系的重要性:1.对主要诊断和次要诊断都进行了确定性治疗的手术操作 a.选择与...
ICD-10-CM / PCS科技接受模式3疾病分類 ICD-10-CM / PCSTechnology Acceptance ModelClassification Of DiseasesICD-10-CM / PCS資訊系統可提供醫師及相關醫事人員檢索,查詢,作為臨床辕煛⒔虒W,研究及統計分析之用;疾病分類編碼資料也是醫療機構申報病患保險給付的重要依據;另疾病分類統計資料,除可作為醫療機構及...
Icd-10-Cm/Pcs Coding 作者:Lovaasen, Karla R.; Schwerdtfeger, Jennifer; 副标题:Theory and Practice 出版年:2011-10 页数:768 定价:$ 84.95 ISBN:9781455707959 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
Featuring a four-color presentation and student-centered approach, this medical coding book references ICD-10-CM/ICD-10-PCS codes and offers a new approach to teaching this skill. ICD-10-CM/PCS CODING: A ROAD MAP is flexible in organization-appropriate for traditional, modular, linear, and wh...
(1) ICD-10-PCS定义准确,贴合临床术语,选择便捷,培训时间相对较短。 (2) ICD-9-CM-3编码对手术描述不精确,医生在回顾分析及开发临床路径时使用该数据可能会对研究结果造成偏差。ICD-10-PCS提供了较多与临床相关的描述,且根据需求可对不同轴心内容自由组合...
HIPAA administrative simplification: modification to medical data code set standards to adopt ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. Proposed rule. This final rule adopts modifications to two of the code set standards adopted in the Transactions and Code Sets final rule published in the Federal Register pursua...