1.对主要诊断和次要诊断都进行了确定性治疗的手术操作 a.选择与主要诊断最相关的确定性治疗的手术操作作为主要手术操作。2.对主要诊断和次要诊断都进行了确定性治疗的手术操作和诊断性手术操作 a.选择与主要诊断最相关的确定性治疗的手术操作作为主要手术操作。3.对主要诊断进行了诊断性手术操作,同时对次要诊断进行了...
1.对主要诊断和次要诊断都进行了确定性治疗的手术操作 a.选择与主要诊断最相关的确定性治疗的手术操作作为主要手术操作。 2.对主要诊断和次要诊断都进行了确定性治疗的手术操作和诊断性手术操作 a.选择与主要诊断最相关的确定性治疗的手术操作作为主要手术操作。 3.对主要诊断进行了诊断性手术操作,同时对次要诊断进行...
CMS released the Official ICD-10-PCS Coding Guidelines for fiscal year 2022, which went into effect October 1st. The FY 2022 PCS guidelines include three guideline revisions in the Medical and Surgical section (B3.7, B4.1c, B4.8) and two guideline revisions from theNew Technologysection (E1...
ICD-10-PCS用于临床,兼顾统计。随着医疗水平的提高、医疗技术的日新月异,加之电子病历系统功能不断完善及公立医院绩效考核、DRG/DIP等医保支付方式改革的推进,ICD-10-PCS逐渐受到关注。 ICD-10-PCS由索引、表格和编码列表三部分组成,其分类方式与ICD-9-CM-3不同:ICD-9-CM-3的类目以“线”分类,ICD-10-PCS的...
Therefore, if an excisionaldebridement is done that includes skin and subcutaneous tissue and muscle when the guideline is applied the deepestbody part would be muscle. This guideline mirrors AHA guidance in coding to the deepest layer.Note from Tony...
ICD-10-CM PCS 诊断分类系统说明书
Purchase ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: Theory and Practice, 2023/2024 Edition - 1st Edition. Print Book & E-Book. ISBN 9780323874052, 9780323874571
(1)手术方式的选择必须完全符合ICD-10-PCS表格中对该手术方式的定义; (2)手术方式的定义或解释中已经包含手术过程的部分无需单独编码;到达手术部位和闭合手术所需的手术步骤(包括管腔吻合术),也无需单独编码。 2.2.4 身体部位(位码4) 身体部位表示手术的具...
and the National Center for Health Statistics -- the guidelines for ICD-10-PCS are a set of rules that have been developed to accompany and complement the instructions provided within the coding system. However, the instructions provided within ICD-10-PCS take precedence over these guidelines. ...