Categories:poetry,Uncategorized Tags:dance on poem,Dwarf Star poem,dwarf stars are the ones that still emit light right?,I am worried about my brain,manicddaily,Phillip Glass has nothing on tree frogs,Re-membered,the dance of the fireflies in the mind Comments:21 Comments Hobby Lobbied (2)...
beckoned like lanterns across sky sea, where too the wafting steam of tea warmed fingers like nothing else except perhaps (hours later) red wine and your ribbed side. Now older–tea drunk, wine swallowed, kisses exchanged–I think of the deep red roofs of mouths, and beneath them so many...
where there should be a prompt a day; a great help in times of brain ache. I have an awful lot going on in my work and home life right now so really don’t think I could even contemplate writing a poem a day outside of a group effort. I urge you to check out the site and w...
So right now I’m in Florida. By the beach. At my parents’ house. I tend to take a break from yoga practice at my parents’ – partly because I am pre-occupied and partly because I don’t like doing yoga indoors in airconditioning, or outside on a concrete patio. The beach is ...