Add: O30831 Other specified multiple gestation, number of chorions and amnions are both equal to the number of fetuses, first trimester Add: O30832 Other specified multiple gestation, number of chorions and amnions are both equal to the number of fetuses, second trimester Add: O30833 Other ...
免费在线预览全文 疾病分类ICD-9编码方案和疾病分类ICD10编码方案对照表 基层科别 基层常见ICD-9 2014版ICD-10 2014版英文名称 2014版中文名称 口腔颚面外科 141.2 C021 Malignant neoplasm of border of tongue 舌(边)缘恶性肿瘤 口腔颚面外科 141.2 Z5112 Encounter for antineoplastic immunotherapy 来院接受抗肿...
Unspecified Muscle Wasting And Atrophy, Not Elsewhere Classified, Unspecified Site Muscle Weakness (Generalized) Other Muscle Spasm ICD-10 Code M79.1 M79.2 M79.609 R13.10 R25.2 R26.9 R29.898 R41.2 R41.89 R47.1 R55 Z51.81 Z82.69 Z84.81 Diagnoses Myalgia Neuralgia And Neuritis,...
(postinfection) K661 Hemoperitoneum K668 Other specified disorders of peritoneum K6811 Postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess K6812 Psoas muscle abscess K6819 Other retroperitoneal abscess K7030 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without ascites K7031 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver with ascites K7040 Alcoholic ...
Neuromuscle dis strabism 37881 Palsy of conjugate gaze 37882 Spasm of conjugate gaze 37883 Convergenc insufficiency 37884 Convergence excess 37885 Anomalies of divergence 37886 Internucl ophthalmopleg 37887 Skew deviation, eye 3789 Eye movemnt disorder NOS 37900 Scleritis NOS 37901 Episclerit periodic...
疾病分类ICD-9编码方案和疾病分类ICD10编码方案对照表(2014年最新版).doc,基层科别 基层常见ICD-9 2014版ICD-10 2014版英文名称 2014版中文名称 口腔颚面外科 141.2 C021 Malignant neoplasm of border of tongue 舌(边)缘恶性肿瘤 口腔颚面外科 141.2 Z5112 Encounter for