Data source one included records with six commonly applied ICD‐10 codes for opioid use, dependence and abuse: F11.10 (opioid abuse, uncomplicated), F11.20 (opioid dependence, uncomplicated), F11.21 (opioid dependence, in remission), F11.23 (opioid dependence with withdrawal), F11.90 (opioid ...
ICD-10英文版 ?ICD-10 Version:2010?Certain infectious and parasitic diseases???Neoplasms???Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism???Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases???Mental and behavioural disorders???Diseases of the nervous sy...
remission 20302 Mult myeloma in relapse 20310 Pls cl leu w/o achv rmsn 20311 Plsm cell leuk w rmson Page 10 of 78 ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 20312 Plsm cel leuk in relapse 20380 Oth imno npl wo ach rmsn 20381 Oth imnprfl npl w rmsn ...