374.10Ectropion871.9OpenWoundEyeball,NOS 374.00Entropion/Trichiasis360.5IntraocularForeignBody, 918.9Eyelid.Abrasion/Bite/FBNOS 940.9Burm.Eye/Adnexa366.00NonsenileCataract,NOS 870.9OcularAdnexa,Laceration366.10Cataract,Senile 216.1Neoplasm,EyelidBenign366.5AfterCataract 173.1Neoplasm,EyelidMalignant379.31Aphakia 372.9Conju...
333.81 Blepharospasm 365.0 Glaucoma Suspect 373.2 Chalazion/Hordeolum/Stye 364.41 Hyphema 373.31 Dermatitis, Eyelid 364.3 Iridocycilitis, NOS 374.34 Dermotochalasis, Eyelid 364.77 Recession Chamber Angle 374.10 Ectropion 871.9 Open Wound Eyeball, NOS 374.00 Entropion/Trichiasis 360.5 Intraocular Foreign ...
Blepharospasm 365.0 Glaucoma Suspect Chalazion/Hordeolum/Stye 364.41 Hyphema Dermatitis, Eyelid 364.3 Iridocycilitis, NOS Dermotochalasis, Eyelid 364.77 Recession Chamber Angle Ectropion 871.9 Open Wound Eyeball, NOS Entropion/Trichiasis 360.5 Intraocular Foreign Body, Eyelid.Abrasion/Bite/FB NOS Burm....
All patients had type 2 diabetes and were comparable in gender, age, duration of diabetes, area and nature of the wound defect. Results: We proposed to add the following to the existing ICD-10 and the emerging ICD-11 codes: Edf10.0—insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic foot ...