646.83O29.211Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy- first trimester 646.83O29.212Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy- second trimester 646.83O29.213Cerebral anoxia due to anesthesia during pregnancy- third trimester 616.11A56.02Chlamydial vulvovaginitis 357.81G61.81Chronic inflammatory...
Cerebral Ischemic Attack, Unspecified I63.9 Cerebral Infarction, Unspecified Cranial Nerve Disorders G52.9 Cranial Nerve Disorder, Unspecified Developmental Delay E72.00 Disorders Of Amino-Acid Transport, Unspecified E72.01 Cystinuria E72.09 Other Disorders Of Amino-Acid Transport...
(cerebral) (spinal) G9619 Other disorders of meninges, not elsewhere classified G968 Other specified disorders of central nervous system G969 Disorder of central nervous system, unspecified G971 Other reaction to spinal and lumbar puncture G9741 Accidental puncture or laceration of dura during a ...
cerebral meninges tumor 大腦膜惡性腫瘤 192.1 192.2 Malignant spinal cord tumor 脊髓惡性腫瘤 192.2 192.3 Malignant spinal meninges tumor 脊髓膜惡性腫瘤 192.3 193 Cancer of thyroid gland 甲狀腺惡性腫瘤; 甲狀腺癌 193 196.0 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of neck 頸部淋巴腺續發性腫瘤 196.0 ...
Cerebral palsy NEC 3439 Cerebral palsy NOS 34400 Quadriplegia, unspecifd 34401 Quadrplg c1-c4, complete 34402 Quadrplg c1-c4, incomplt 34403 Quadrplg c5-c7, complete 34404 Quadrplg c5-c7, incomplt 34409 Other quadriplegia 3441 Paraplegia NOS 3442 Diplegia of upper limbs 34430 Monplga lwr...
Transient cerebral ischemia 暫時性腦部缺氧發作 435.9 436 Cerebrovascular accident; Acute cerebral vascular disease 中風;急性腦血管疾病;腦血管意外 436 437.0 Cerebral atherosclerosis 腦血管動脈粥樣硬化 437.0 437.2 Hypertensive encephalopathy 高血壓性腦病變 437.2 437.3 Cerebral aneurysm 腦部動脈瘤 437.3 437.5 Moy...
cerebral meninges tumor 大腦膜惡性腫瘤 192.1 192.2 Malignant spinal cord tumor 脊髓惡性腫瘤 192.2 192.3 Malignant spinal meninges tumor 脊髓膜惡性腫瘤 192.3 193 Cancer of thyroid gland 甲狀腺惡性腫瘤; 甲狀腺癌 193 196.0 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of neck 頸部淋巴腺續發性腫瘤 196.0 ...