Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of other parts of face 颜面其他部位皮肤之恶性肿瘤 皮肤科 173.3 C44311 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of nose 鼻皮肤之基底细胞癌 皮肤科 173.3 C44319 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of face 颜面其他部位皮肤之基底细胞癌 皮肤科 173.3 C44321 Squamo...
ICD-10 2023版英文名称 2023版中文名称 牙科 145.0 C060 Malignantneoplasmofcheekmucosa 颊粘膜恶性肿瘤 牙科 145.0 Z5112 Encounterforantineoplasticimmunotherapy 来院承受抗肿瘤免疫疗法 牙科 521.0 K027 Dentalrootcaries 牙根龋齿 牙科 521.0 K029 Dentalcaries,unspecified ...
13、ular (m8522/3)specified site - see neoplasm, malignantunspecified site c50.9ceruminous (m8420/3) c44.2apocrine (m8401/3)breast - see neoplasm, breast, malignantspecified site nec - see neoplasm, skin, malignantunspecified site c44.9polygonal cell (m8034/3)pleomorphic (m8022/3)noninfiltr...
neoplasm编码特指肿瘤unspecifiedmalignant 肿瘤及其形态学编码的字母顺序索引正文O-3 Apudoma(M8248/1)-seeNeoplasm,uncertainbehavior A Askin'stumor(M9365/3)-seeNeoplasm,connectivetissue,malignant Carcinoma(M8010/3)-seealsoNeoplasm,malignant 3 3 āáǎàēéěèīíǐìōóǒòūúǔùǖǘǚǜü APUD瘤...
siteasforNeoplasm,malignant.-Ccell(M8345/3)--特指部位-见肿瘤,恶性 --specifiedsite-seeNeoplasm,malignant --未特指部位C73 --unspecifiedsiteC73 -伴有 -with --顶泌性汗腺化生(M8573/3)--apocrinemetaplasia(M8573/3)--骨(和软骨)化生(M8571/3)--osseous(andcartilaginous)metaplasia(M8...
ICD10 國際疾病分類第十版 ICD-10 CID-10 三位數表 List of three-character categories Categorias de três caracteres
311.F32.9Major depressive disorder- single episode- unspecified 648.93O9A.111Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy- first trimester 648.93O9A.112Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy- second trimester 648.93O9A.113Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy- third trimester 180.9C53.9Malignant neoplasm of ...
Add: C441092 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus Add: C441121 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus Add: C441122 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus ...
疾病分类ICD-9编码方案和疾病分类ICD10编码方案对照表(2014年最新版).doc,基层科别 基层常见ICD-9 2014版ICD-10 2014版英文名称 2014版中文名称 口腔颚面外科 141.2 C021 Malignant neoplasm of border of tongue 舌(边)缘恶性肿瘤 口腔颚面外科 141.2 Z5112 Encounter for