A persistent instability of mood involving numerous periods of depression and mild elation, none of which is sufficiently severe or prolonged to justify a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder (F31.-) or recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-). This disorder is frequently found in the relatives o...
ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2018更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....
Major depressive disorder single episode, severe specified as with psychotic behavior 重鬱症,單純發作,重度伴有精神病性行為 296.24 296.30 Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode 重鬱症, 復發 296.30 296.31 Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, mild 重鬱症,復發性,輕度 296.31 296.32 Major ...
Case 2 (Fig.2) is a 36-year-old man with a history of panic attacks and recurrent depressive episodes. He is intelligent and sensitive but has not managed to finish any degree after high school. A psychiatric evaluation at an outpatient psychotherapy unit concluded that his personality features...
phenotypes [59]. However, recent research has demonstrated that the data fit the simpler factor structure of the ICD-11 better than they do that of the DSM-5 and that, as intended, when using the ICD-11 definition there is a reduction in the degree of comorbidity with major depression [...
Major depressive disorder single episode, severe specified as with psychotic behavior 重鬱症,單純發作,重度伴有精神病性行為 296.24 296.30 Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode 重鬱症, 復發 296.30 296.31 Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, mild 重鬱症,復發性,輕度 296.31 296.32 Major ...
Overweight (BMI between 25 and 30 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) represent the two major weight disorders according to ICD-11. For children and adolescents the BMI categories used to define overweight or obesity vary by age and gender in infants, children and adolescents. The WHO10...
disorder. ICD-10 was published in 1992 and is the version in current use. There are a total of 78 major categories of mental disorders in the ICD-10 (seeTable 1), and many of these categories contain a number of more specific forms of psychopathology. ICD-10 is available in 42 world ...
major 0501 Alastrim 0502 Modified smallpox 0509 Smallpox NOS 05101 Cowpox 05102 Vaccinia n/f vaccination 0511 Pseudocowpox 0512 Contagious pustular derm 0519 Paravaccinia NOS 0520 Postvaricella encephalit 0521 Varicella pneumonitis 0522 Postvaricella myelitis 0527 Varicella complicat NEC 0528 Varicella ...
ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2019更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....