with unspecified complications 0739 Y Ornithosis, unspecified 074 N ● *Specific diseases due to Coxsackie virus 0740 Y Herpangina 0741 Y Epidemic pleurodynia 0742 N ● *Coxsackie carditis 07420 Y Coxsackie carditis, unspecified 07421 Y Coxsackie pericarditis 07422 Y Coxsackie endocarditis 07423 Y ...
carditis NOS 07421 Coxsackie pericarditis 07422 Coxsackie endocarditis 07423 Coxsackie myocarditis 0743 Hand, foot & mouth dis 0748 Coxsackie virus NEC 075 Infectious mononucleosis 0760 Trachoma, initial stage 0761 Trachoma, active stage 0769 Trachoma NOS 0770 Inclusion conjunctivitis 0771 Epidem kerato...