LT UPPER QUADRANT R19.02 RT LOWER QUADRANT R19.03 LT LOWER QUADRANT R19.04 PERIUMBILIC R19.05 EPIGASTRIC R19.06 GENERALIZED R19.07 OTHER SPECIFIED SITE R19.09 ABNORMAL CHEST SOUNDS R09.89 ACUTE ABDOMINAL PAIN R10.0 ACUTE MI UNSPECIFIED I21.3 AIDS/SYMPTOMATIC HIV B20 ALTERED MENTAL STATUS ... jpsychores.2014.09.008 22. Buller LT, Best MJ, Klika AK, Barsoum WK (2015) The influence of psychiatric comorbidity on perioperative outcomes following primary total hip and knee arthroplasty; a 17-year analysis of the National...