What is the CPT code for the procedure, operative arthroscopy left knee? What skin disorder might be found in a person who is elderly, debilitated, or paralyzed? Acute hemorrhage cystitis is a common toxic effect seen with: a. Vincristine b. Tamoxifen c. Doxorubicin d. Cy...
所以第二次住院之處置編碼為81.54 Total knee replacement(全膝關節置放術),而不編81.55 Revision of knee replacement (人工膝關節修正術) 所以第二次住院之處置編碼為81.55 Revision of knee replacement (人工膝關節修正術) 16 220 10~11 若可確定是細菌種類,則感染的細菌編為主診斷而骨髓炎編為次要診斷. 若...