Bleeding and Liver Transplant Outcomes in Hemophilia The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes were in-hospital transplant complications, length of stay (LOS), and total charges: the latter was adjusted for inflation by consumer price index data. Severity of co-... KD Meht...
(anemia and hemophilia by WO2019079607); diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue (osteoporosis by KR1487761); diseases of the digestive system (gastroesophageal reflux and peptic ulcer by WO2007125397); diseases of the respiratory system (respiratory disease and chronic obstructive ...
ICD10 ICD11 备注 1 软骨发育不全 Achondroplasia Q77.400 \oOpenthislinkinanewwindowLD24.00 2 获得性血友病 Acquiredhemophilia D68.400 \oOpenthislinkinanewwindow3B22 3 肢端肥大症 Acromegaly E22.001 \oOpenthislinkinanewwindow5A60.0 4 成人斯蒂尔病 ...
hemophilia 28653 Antiphospholipid w hemor 28659 Ot hem d/t circ anticoag 2866 Defibrination syndrome 2867 Acq coagul factor defic 2869 Coagulat defect NEC/NOS 2870 Allergic purpura 2871 Thrombocytopathy 2872 Purpura NOS 28730 Prim thrombocytopen NOS 28731 Immune thrombocyt purpra 28732 Evans' ...