Daytime drinking, uncontrolled drinking, and withdrawal symptoms, such as hand tremor, sweating, convulsions, and delirium tremens/hallucinations were more common in theADH1B*1/*1group. TheADH1B*1/*1was positively associated with the ICD-10 criteria for 'tolerance' and 'withdrawal symptoms'. The...
unspecified G250 Essential tremor G251 Drug-induced tremor G252 Other specified forms of tremor G253 Myoclonus G255 Other chorea G2571 Drug induced akathisia 9 G2581 Restless legs syndrome G2582 Stiff-man syndrome G2589 Other specified extrapyramidal and movement disorders G259 Extrapyramidal...
tremor of your ribs, a part of me, a very small selfish part, wanted to reach down to the greater heat of your loins (the alertness of your cock, dreaming, still such a phenomenon to me) but you wept as you slept, you who weep so rarely, and in my alarm and basic humanity, and...
332.0 332.1 Secondary parkinsonism 續發性巴金森病態 332.1 333.1 Essential tremor 自發性震顫 333.1 333.2 Myoclonus 肌陣攣 333.2 333.4 Huntingtons chorea 亨庭頓舞蹈症 333.4 333.81 Blepharospasm 瞼痙攣 333.81 333.82 Orofacial dyskinesia 口面部異動症 333.82 333.83 Spasmodic torticollis 痙攣性斜頸 333.83 333.9...
Tremor NEC 3332 Myoclonus 3333 Tics of organic origin 3334 Huntington's chorea 3335 Chorea NEC 3336 Genetic torsion dystonia 33371 Athetoid cerebral palsy 33372 Acute dystonia d/t drugs 33379 Acq torsion dystonia NEC 33381 Blepharospasm 33382 Orofacial dyskinesia 33383 Spasmodic torticollis 33384 ...
332.0 332.1 Secondary parkinsonism 續發性巴金森病態 332.1 333.1 Essential tremor 自發性震顫 333.1 333.2 Myoclonus 肌陣攣 333.2 333.4 Huntingtons chorea 亨庭頓舞蹈症 333.4 333.81 Blepharospasm 瞼痙攣 333.81 333.82 Orofacial dyskinesia 口面部異動症 333.82 333.83 Spasmodic torticollis 痙攣性斜頸 333.83 333.9...
332.0 332.1 Secondary parkinsonism 續發性巴金森病態 332.1 333.1 Essential tremor 自發性震顫 333.1 333.2 Myoclonus 肌陣攣 333.2 333.4 Huntingtons chorea 亨庭頓舞蹈症 333.4 333.81 Blepharospasm 瞼痙攣 333.81 333.82 Orofacial dyskinesia 口面部異動症 333.82 333.83 Spasmodic torticollis 痙攣性斜頸 333.83 333.9...