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ua=1. as scientific knowledge evolves, can be viewed on the Orphanet website and have served as a basis to build the ICD-11 proposals by the Rare Diseases TAG. For chapters where rare diseases feature prominently, or were dealt with early in the revision process, the Rare Diseases TAG ...
Categories inherited from the ICD-10 were systematically examined, and preserved as far as possible for the sake of historical continuity. However, the latter requirement was only clearly expressed at the beginning of the beta-draft phase; therefore, several drafts already corrected by experts had ...
Hemoglobin concentrations for the diagnosis of anaemia and assessment of severity. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011 [cited 2019 Oct 24]. Available from: in a new window) (Open in a new...
An LSTM model is used for numerical data, and a deep learning method based on Doc2VecC [18] is used for text-based data. In the training phase, these two models are connected and the vectors obtained as the output of the two models are combined into a single vector and given as ...
Keywords: ICD-11; ICD-10; Shannon entropy; validation; transition 1. Introduction The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a global standard for diagnostic health information [1]. The ICD developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) enables sustainable and systematic recording, ...
[55] Chen Q H, Wang C, He S, et al. Exact solvability of the quantum Rabi model using Bogoliubov operators. Physical Review A, 2012, 86(2): 023822. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.023822. [56] Zhong H, Xie Q, Batchelor M T, et al. Analytical eigenstates for the quantum Rabi model. ...
[The influence of vitamin C and E use on concentration of endothelin-1 and lipid peroxides in the serum of pregnant women with arterial hypertension] Hypertension occurs in 6 to 10 percent of pregnancies. It remains one of the most common disorders in pregnancy and the leading causes of ...
c +关注 环球时报 2019-10-19 13:50 来自微博 【上海出台“限制涉性侵违法人员从业制度”半年,数人被清退】2019年4月,上海市《关于建立涉性侵害违法犯罪人员从业限制制度的意见》出台,系全国首个省级层面的相关制度。《意见》明确用人单位应当对拟录用人员是否存在性侵害违法犯罪记录的情况进行审查,并可...
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