j. Disseminated malignant neoplasm, unspecified 弥散性恶性肿瘤,未特指 Code C80.0, Disseminated malignant neoplasm, unspecified, is for use only in those cases where the patient has advanced metastatic disease and no known primary or secondary sites are specified. It should not be used in place ...
F45.4 Persistent somatoform pain disorder F45.8 Other somatoform disorders F45.9 Somatoform disorder, unspecified F48 Other neurotic disorders F48.0 Neurasthenia F48.1 Depersonalisation-derealisation syndrome F48.8 Other specified neurotic disorders F48.9 Neurotic disorder, unspecified F50-F59 Behavioural syndr...
ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2018更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....
口腔颚面外科 682.1 L03221 Cellulitis of neck 颈部蜂窝组织炎 口腔颚面外科 682.1 L03222 Acute lymphangitis of neck 颈部急性淋巴管炎 口腔颚面外科 802.20 S02609A Fracture of mandible, unspecified, initial encounter for closed fracture 下颔骨未明示部位闭锁性骨折之初期照护 基层科别 基层常见ICD-9 ...
unspecified ankle and foot Other myositis other site Other myositis multiple sites Other myositis unspecified Myalgia ICD-10-CM Resource Guide | 7 Pain Management | Top Mappings CONDITION(S) Other headache syndromes Headache 8 | ICD-10-CM Resource Guide ICD-10-CM M79.601 M79.602 M79.603 M79.604...
8 Other mental and behavioural disorders F1x.9 Unspecified mental and behavioural disorder Introduction This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity (from uncomplicated intoxication and harmful use to obvious psychotic disorders and dementia), but that are all attributable to...
DD91.0Z 类型未明确的肠易激综合征(Irritable bowelsyndrome, type unspecified, IBS-tus) /// 01.2 2.MG30.01慢性弥漫性疼痛(Chronic widespread pain, CWP) 除外:急性疼痛 (MG31),包括:纤维肌痛综合征。 慢性广泛性疼痛(chronic widespread pain, CWP)是一种至少波及五分之四体表面积的弥漫性疼痛,与严重的情...
ICD-10 Charts OB/GYN 648.83O99.810Abnormal glucose complicating pregnancy 626.9N93.9Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding- unspecified 616.3N75.1Abscess of Bartholin's gland 616.4N76.4Abscess of vulva 595.0N30.01Acute cystitis with hematuria 595.0N30.00Acute cystitis without hematuria 616.10N76.0Acute vagi...
Site Unspecified Cervicalgia Low Back Pain Myositis, Unspecified Muscle Wasting And Atrophy, Not Elsewhere Classified, Unspecified Site Muscle Weakness (Generalized) Other Muscle Spasm ICD-10 Code M79.1 M79.2 M79.609 R13.10 R25.2 R26.9 R29.898 R41.2 R41.89 R47.1 R55 Z51.81 Z8...
FSH diagnoses such as "clitoral adhesions", "clitorodynia" and "persistent genital arousal disorder" were not coded in ICD-10. Many diagnoses were grouped under general terms - pelvic floor pain disorders were grouped under "R10.2: Pelvic and peroneal pain" which inclu...