A disorder characterized by a persistent mild elevation of mood, increased energy and activity, and usually marked feelings of well-being and both physical and mental efficiency. Increased sociability, talkativeness, over-familiarity, increased sexual energy, and a decreased need for sleep are often ...
behaviour irresponsible and unpredictable, and mannerisms common. The mood is shallow and inappropriate, thought is disorganized, and speech is incoherent. There is a tendency to social isolation. Usually the prognosis is poor because of the rapid development of "negative...
双相情感障碍icd10诊断标准合集 双相情感障碍诊断要点及诊断标准 双相情感障碍特点是病人出现两次或多次的情感和活动水平明显紊乱的发作。其 中至少有1次表现为心境高涨、精力和活动增加,另1次表现为情感低落、精力减低和 活动减少。见:抑郁症;轻躁狂;躁狂。情感障碍(affective disorder)近年在国外改 称心境(mood)障碍...
disorders: those between 'normal" sadness and depression, between 'normal" elation and hypomania, between a 'pure" depressive episode and a 'pure" manic episode, between unipolar depression and bipolar disorder, between anxiety disorders and depression, and between mood disorders and psychotic ...
ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2019更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....
Codes for special purposes???Mental and behavioural disorders???Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders???Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use???Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders???Mood [affective] disorders???Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform ...
The ICD-11 is the revised version of the ICD-10 and the first update to be developed and published in two decades, which has led to much debate. For this collection, BMC Psychiatry invited all experts in the field of psychiatry to contribute to the discussion on how ICD-11 might affect...
for ICD-10 PTSD and for DSM-IV acute stress disorder, as well as for PTSD, and will be described in more detail later. An acute stress reaction as defined in ICD-10 usually occurs within minutes of the triggering event and resolves rapidly, for example within a few hours if the ...
F43.23 Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood Z79.891 Long term (current) use of opiate analgesic Z79.899 Other long term (current) drug therapy Z03.89 Encounter for observation for other suspected diseases and conditions ruled out ...
Mouse tissues and culture cells were lysed in lysis buffer (1% Nonidet P-40, 50 mM Tris·HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 150 mM NaCl, proteinase inhibitors, and protein phosphatase inhibitors) and cleared by centrifu- gation at 10,000×g for 10 min at 4 °C. Equal amounts (20 μg) of whole ...