treated by more than one therapeutic agent - enhanced accuracy; low sensitivity may be due to time-limited therapy. However, our estimated prevalence agrees with the national estimates [50]. For all other conditions, agreement between hospital diagnoses and drug information was poor, which does ...
41.9/1041.9/10万万 以以1313亿人口推算亿人口推算 正常人群 疾病人群 高危人群 心脏心脏 骤停骤停 猝死 一级预防 二级预防 2008年ICD一类治疗建议(二级预防) • •非可逆性原因导致的室颤或者血流动力学不稳定的持续性室速 造成的心脏性骤停 •
Check for damage in the classrooms of broadcasting and television system button 20; the damage of a blackboard plate deducted 10 points; the damage of a class desk or podium deducted 5 points; the damage of a bad chair or bench deducted 2 points; the damage of a glass button 2 for ...
Cells labeled with 10 μM CFSE, but not those labeled with 1 μM CFSE, were pulsed for 40 min at 37 °C with 1 μM of the CS280–288 peptide. The two cell populations were i.v. transferred (2 × 107 cells each/animal) to mice submitted to the different immunization regimens. ...
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