Acutelymphoidleukemia,inremission 460 Acutenasopharyngitis[commoncold] 381.00 Acutenonsuppurativeotitismedia,unspecified 462 Acutepharyngitis 590.10 Acutepyelonephritiswithoutlesionofrenalmedullarynecrosis 461.0 Acutesinusitisofmaxillary 461.9 Acutesinusitis,unspecified 382.00 Acutesuppurativeotitismediawithoutspontaneous...
Erysipelas (036) Meningococcal infection (037) Tetanus (038) Septicemia (039) Other bacterial diseases (040) Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar (041) Acute poliomyelitis with other paralysis (042) Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis (043) Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified (044) Late effects ...
(lung cancer, breast cancer and leukemia by WO2007112451, WO2004034976, WO2007116135 and CN103393672). The last but notable class occupying the biggest share is certain infectious or parasitic diseases (where several examples come with SARS-CoV by CN101099804, CN1672717, CN1480194 and CN1470282,...
LEUKEMIA( (( (ICD-O-3 M-98003 - M-99643、 、、、M-99803 - M-99893) )) ) 1,645 急性淋巴芽細胞白血病 ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA(ICD-O-3 M-98353 - M-98373) 223 慢性淋巴球白血病 CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA(ICD-O-3 M-98233) ...
ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 0010 Cholera d/t vib cholerae 0011 Cholera d/t vib el tor 0019 Cholera NOS 0020 Typhoid fever 0021 Paratyphoid fever a 0022 Paratyphoid fever b 0023 Paratyphoid fever c 0029 Paratyphoid fever NOS 0030 Salmonella enteritis ...
(204) Lymphatic leukemia (205) Myeloid leukemia (206) Monoytic leukemia (207) Other and unspecified leukemia (208) Polycythemia vera (209) Myelofibrosis (210) Benign neoplasm of buccal cavity and pharynx (211) Benign neoplasm of other parts of digestive system (212) Benign neoplasm of ...