MG30.6Y 其他明确的慢性继发性头痛或口面部疼痛(Other specified chronic secondary headache or orofacialpain, CSH-os, COFP-os) MG30.6Z 未明确的慢性继发性头痛或口面部疼痛(Chronic secondary headache or orofacial pain, unspecified,CSH-us, CSOFP-us) MG30.Y 其他明确的慢性疼痛 (Other specified chronicpa...
Unspecified, Not Intractable, Without Status Migrainosus Cyclical Vomiting, Not Intractable Cyclical Vomiting, Intractable Ophthalmoplegic Migraine, Not Intractable Ophthalmoplegic Migraine, Intractable ICD-10 Code Diagnoses G43.C1 Periodic Headache Syndromes In Child Or Adult, Intractabl...
Unspecified mental disorder??Chapter VMental and behaviouraldisorders(F00-F99)Incl.:disorders of psychological developmentExcl.:symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)This chapter contains the following blocks:F00-F09Organic, including symptomatic,...
ICD-10 Charts OB/GYN 648.83O99.810Abnormal glucose complicating pregnancy 626.9N93.9Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding- unspecified 616.3N75.1Abscess of Bartholin's gland 616.4N76.4Abscess of vulva 595.0N30.01Acute cystitis with hematuria 595.0N30.00Acute cystitis without hematuria 616.10N76.0Acute vagi...
Report codes to the greatest level of specificity.For example, there are ICD-9 codes for a malignant neoplasm of the upper (162.3), middle (162.4), and lower lobes (162.5) of the lung, as well as a code for an “unspecified” site (162.9). If you diagnose asmall cell carcinomain an...
Headache 785.1 Palpitations 9/10/15 ICD10 Code ICD10 Desc J30.2 Other seasonal allergic rhinitis J30.9 Allergic rhinitis, unspecified J45.20 Mild intermittent asthma, uncomplicated J45.998 Other asthma J44.9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified K21.9 Gastro-esophageal reflux disease without ...
Erysipelas (036) Meningococcal infection (037) Tetanus (038) Septicemia (039) Other bacterial diseases (040) Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar (041) Acute poliomyelitis with other paralysis (042) Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis (043) Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified (044) Late effects ...
299.91 unspecified PDD, residual state(PDD-NOS) F84.9 PDD, unspecified a ICD-11 information is based on World Health Organization Beta Draft of the new categories and is subject to change. Symptomatology Persistent Deficits in Social Communication and Social Interaction Kanner's initial description ...
headache 30789 Psychogenic pain NEC 3079 Special symptom NEC/NOS 3080 Stress react, emotional 3081 Stress reaction, fugue 3082 Stress react, psychomot 3083 Acute stress react NEC 3084 Stress react, mixed dis 3089 Acute stress react NOS 3090 Adjustmnt dis w depressn 3091 Prolong depressive react ...
DD91.0Z 类型未明确的肠易激综合征(Irritable bowelsyndrome, type unspecified, IBS-tus) /// 01.2 2.MG30.01慢性弥漫性疼痛(Chronic widespread pain, CWP) 除外:急性疼痛 (MG31),包括:纤维肌痛综合征。 慢性广泛性疼痛(chronic widespread pain, CWP)是一种至少波及五分之四体表面积的弥漫性疼痛,与严重的情...