Prevalence of Pediatric CKD by ICD-10 Coding in the US Military Health System (MHS)doi:10.1681/ASN.20223311S1435bJames D. OliverWalter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MDRobert NeeWalter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MDHava Marneweck...
Therefore, an association between the CKD and diabetes can be assumed (CMS 2022a, I.A.15; Coding Clinic, First Quarter, 2016; Coding Clinic, Second Quarter, 2016). The fourth character of 5 is assigned to code N18 to identify the stage of chronic kidney disease. This 12-year-old ...
百度文库 ICD—10第一卷的分类“核心"是 根据您输入的内容,为您匹配到题目: **ICD—10第一卷的分类“核心"是** A. 三位数类目表 B. 内容类目表 C. 疾病性质分类 **答案**: B ©2024 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD). 2) Anemia in neoplastic disease When assigning code 285.22, Anemia in neoplastic disease, it is also necessary to assign the neoplasm code that is responsible for the anemia. Code 285.22 is for use for anemia that is due to the malignancy, not for anemia due ...
Concordance Between Laboratory- and ICD-10 Code-Defined Stages of CKD Among Patients Hospitalized with Heart Failure in a Large US Integrated Health Systemdoi:10.1681/ASN.20233411S11044bCraig GranowitzLexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc, The Woodlands, TX;Hsin-Fang Li...