There are a number of very important departures from the ICD-10, which are consistent with recent literature and follow, in spirit, the changes from the DSM-IV to the DSM-5 [5]. First, the ICD-10 does not have a specific grouping for neurodevelopmental disorders and uses slightly different...
10 The prevalence rates for BMI ≥25 and ≥ 30 kg/m2 are in the range of 50%–60% and 20%–30% in Western countries.8 It is thus clearly debatable if more than 50% of peoples of different countries should be labeled as having an excessive body size or a disorder as such, in ...
and are thus provided with a unique identifier in the Beta version of ICD-11, which is 10 times more than in ICD10. A rare disease linearization is also planned. The current beta version is open for public consultation and comments, and to be used...
24、rnal published online March 26, 2014植入S-ICD的第一个病例介绍男,33岁, 体型消瘦,BMI=20.8反复室性心动过速伴晕厥,艾勃斯坦畸形,三尖瓣机械瓣置换术后ECG: 持续性室性心动过速UCG:右心扩大,右室壁运动幅度明显降低,LVEF 55.5%术前心电图筛选成功,符合植入S-ICD的适应证手术过程:标记与消毒除颤器囊袋...
(52% vs. 12.6%), despite using the ESPEN criteria with FFMI [33].The substantially lower prevalence using the ESPEN criteria may be explained by our study not including FFMI, where participants were required to have a BMI of less than 20 kg/m2 or 22 kg/m2 if under 70 or 70 years ...
A large minority were married (44%), and completed an under-graduate level of education (43%). The mean age was 40.07 years (SD 11.67), and mean BMI was 33.69 (SD 3.32). The sample included 50 (47%) participants with twice weekly Objective Binge Eating Episodes (OBEs) and 36 (34%...
Introduction: Although research suggests that exercise benefits mental health, psychiatric disorders have been acknowledged in the ultra-endurance-athlete population. At present, the mental-health consequences of high-volume training associated with ultr
Over the past 20 years, the 10th revision of the ICD (ICD-10) has been widely utilized in classifying healthcare information. The 11th revision of the ICD (ICD-11) was formally released on 18 June 2018 for testing and implementation, in accordance with specific timelines and requirements of...
nutrients Article An Investigation of the Clinical Utility of the Proposed ICD-11 and DSM-5 Diagnostic Schemes for Eating Disorders Characterized by Recurrent Binge Eating in People with a High BMI Marly Amorim Palavras 1,2 , Phillipa Hay 2 and Angélica Claudino 1,* 1 Eating Disorders Program...
models for important clinical predictors as well as for covariates that were significant in univariable analysis. For the Cox regression analysis, our basic model (model 1) started with several clinical predictors based on prior research and univariable Cox regression results: age, sex, BMI, ...