692.9L23.9Allergic contact dermatitis- unspecified cause 626.0N91.2Amenorrhea- unspecified 285.22D63.0Anemia in neoplastic disease 285.9D64.9Anemia- unspecified 078.11A63.0Anogenital (venereal) warts 054.10A60.9Anogenital herpesviral infection- unspecified 698.1L29.3Anogenital pruritus- unspecified 646.83O29.011Aspi...
BackgroundThe study of allergic drug reactions has been limited because of challenges in identifying and confirming cases.doi:10.1016/j.jaip.2018.07.022RebeccaDivisionR.DivisionSaffDivisionYuDivisionLiDivisionNikitaDivisionSanthanakrishnanDivisionCarlos
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 35921 Myotonic musclr dystrphy 35922 Myotonia congenita 35923 Myotonic chondrodystrphy 35924 Drug induced myotonia 35929 Myotonic disorder NEC 3593 Periodic paralysis 3594 Toxic myopathy 3595 Myopathy in endocrin dis 3596 Infl myopathy in oth dis 35971 Inclus...
Natural Language Processing Combined with ICD-9-CM Codes as a Novel Method to Study the Epidemiology of Allergic Drug ReactionsAleena Banerji MD a bKenneth H. Lai MA c dYu Li MS a eRebecca R. Saff MD, PhD a bCarlos A. Camargo Jr. MD, DrPH a b e f...