Use additional code, if desired, to identify associated conditions such as autism, other developmental disorders, epilepsy, conduct disorders, or severe physical handicap. The following fourth-character subdivisions are for use with categories F70-F79 to identify the extent of impairment of behaviour: ...
Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable, with statusepilepticus 癫痫,非难治之癫痫,伴有癫痫重积状态 神经科 345.90 G40909 Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable, without statusepilepticus 癫痫,非难治之癫痫,未伴有癫痫重积状态 神经科 431 I610 Nontraumaticintracerebralhemorrhage in hemisphere,subcortical 非创...
Bouffée délirante without symptoms of schizophrenia or unspecified Cycloid psychosis without symptoms of schizophrenia or unspecified F23.1Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia An acute psychotic disorder in which the polymorphic and unstable clinical picture is present, as descri...
ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2019更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....
withoutgrandmalseizureswerecodedintoG40.7.Otherepilepsywerecodedi ntoG40.8.Epilepsy,unspecifiedwerecodedinto G40.9.Thenumberofdiseasesnamesofepilepsycategorywasmuchmoretha ntheindextermofepilepsyinICD一10VolumeIII, amongwhichthereare21kindsofepilepsyandepilepsysyndromewerenotlist ...
Unspecified mental disorder Chapter V Mental and behaviouraldisorders (F00-F99) Incl.: disorders of psychological development Excl.: symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99) This chapter contains the following blocks: ...
02.6癫痫所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to epilepsy [F02.8在它处分类的其他特定疾病所致痴呆]02.9以上未分类的其他脑部疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other specifide diseases classifide dlsewhere [F02.8]03躯体疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical diseases [F02.8在它处分类的...
F80.3 Acquired aphasia with epilepsy (Landau-Kleffner syndrome) F80.8 Other developmental disorders of speech and language F80.9 Developmental disorder of speech and language, unspecified F81 Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills F81.0 Specific reading disorder F81.1 Specific spelling disorder...
This 32-year-old female patient was admitted to undergo extended video EEG monitoring forrefractory complex partial epilepsy to determine if she is a candidate for epilepsy surgery. Thepatient was monitored for three days and her epilepsy medications were adjusted. The rest ofher hospital stay was...
1、ICD-9 编码方案和ICD10 编码方案对照表(2014 年最新版)第四部分基层常见2014 版基层科别ICD-9ICD-102014 版英文名称神经科038.9A419Sepsis, unspecified organismSystemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)of non-infectious origin without acute organ神经科038.9R6510dysfunctionSystemic inflammatory response ...