Revising the ICD-10 codes for epilepsy and seizures. Epilepsia 2012;53(Suppl. 2):3-5. 03550.x.Bergen DC, Beghi E, Medina M. (2012) Revising the ICD-10 codes for epilepsy and seizures. Epilepsia 53(Suppl. 2):3-5....
seizures, recurrent (345.8X) 345.80 5th digit 0 w/o mention of intractable epilepsy lung cancer (primary) 162.9 metasis to brain (secondary) 198.3 Recurrent seizures would require treatment and would be the reason for the encounter in this case and so the principal or first-listed diagnosis. ...
epilepsy [Landau-Kleffner syndrome] F80.8 Other developmental disorders of speech and language F80.9 Developmental disorder of speech and language, unspecified F81 Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills F81.0 Specific reading disorder F81.1 Specific spelling disorder F81.2 Specific disorder of...
recurrent, mild F331 Major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate F332 Major depressv disorder, recurrent severe w/o psych features F333 Major depressv disorder, recurrent, severe w psych symptoms F3340 Major depressive disorder, recurrent, in remission, unsp F3341 Major depressive disorder, recur...