不包括: 物质所致(Substance-induced)心境障碍这里是induced,不是这里是induced,不是due to,译作“所诱发的”会好一些继发性心境综合征(6E62)双相及相关障碍Bipolar or related disorders(BlockL2?6A6)双相及相关障碍(Bipolar or related disorders),是发作性的心境障碍,由躁狂发作、混合发作及轻躁狂发作以及相关症状...
DyslexiaLearning disabilitiesVisual efficiencyVisual information processingVision therapyConvergence insufficiencyEvidence-based researchSeveral medical organizations have published yet another joint statement trivializing vision therapy and vision disorders in the learning-disabled population. A review of the ...
decoding, word reading, and reading comprehension, but may not include measures of phonological awareness, which is an empirically identified predictor of successful reading acquisition (Melby-Lervåg et al., 2012), and correlate of SLDs in reading (i.e., dyslexia; Snowling and Hulme, 2021)...
dyslexia 31509 Reading disorder NEC 3151 Mathematics disorder 3152 Oth learning difficulty 31531 Expressive language dis 31532 Recp-expres language dis 31534 Speech del d/t hear loss 31535 Chldhd onset flncy disor 31539 Speech/language dis NEC 3154 Devel coordination dis 3155 Mixed development dis ...