ICD-11尝试按照发育观点对诊断分组进行排序,其21种疾病分别是:神经发育障碍(neurodevelopmental disorders),精神分裂症与其他原发性精神病性障碍(schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders),紧张症(catatonia),心境障碍(mood disorders),焦虑及恐惧相关障碍...
(Epub ahead of print).Runions, K., Stewart, R., Moore, J., Ladino, Y. M., Rao, P., & Zepf, F. (2016). Disruptive mood dysregu- lation disorder in ICD-11: A new disorder or ODD with a specifier for chronic irritability? European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 25, 331-332....
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in ICD-11: a new disorder or ODD with a specifier for chronic irritability?[J]. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2016,25(3):331-332. DOI: 10.1007/s00787-015-0789-y . 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [8] Shain BN . Pediatric bipolar ...
412021/4/26 原归于ICD-10“通常起 24、病于童年与少年期的行为与情绪”中“品行障碍”的相关内容形成ICD-11中新的一节,节名为“破坏性行为和反社会障碍”(disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorders)。(与DSM-5类似)“排泄障碍”(elimination disorders)由ICD-10“通常起病于童年与少年期的行为与情绪”中...
In other words, what does not constitute a neurodevelopmental disorder among disorders that arise in childhood and adolescence? More importantly, what is the clinical utility of grouping them together and separating them from disruptive behaviour and internalizing disorders? It is possible that mood and...
(e.g., intellectual disability, autistic spectrum disorder, learning disorders); Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders; Depressive Disorders; Anxiety Disorders; Feeding and Eating Disorders; Sleep-Wake Disorders; Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders; Substance-Related and Addictive ...
The International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 11th edition (ICD-11) is currently being developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). This article focused on the revision of the ICD chapter of mental and behavioral disorders and compares it to the Diagnostic and Statist...
渊disorder due tosubstance use and addictive behaviours冤袁 冲动控制障 碍渊impulse control disorders冤袁 破坏性行为 和反社会障 碍渊disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorders冤袁 人格障碍及相关人格特质渊personality disorders and related traits冤袁性欲倒错 障碍渊paraphilic disorders冤袁 做作障碍渊...