Code XY8S “Subsequent encounter “ is related to the parent “diagnosis code descriptors” (see Table 2) and provides useful information on the fact that the patient had been treated earlier in this institution. Numerous severity scales are offered in chapter X: Obesity classes according to the...
Sports PerformanceAdvances in Healthcare of AthletesAdvances in Lower Extremity Biomechanics and Lower Extremity Injury RiskAdvances in Motor Behavior and Child HealthAdvances in Neuromuscular Adaptations to Exercise, Environment, Injury, and RehabilitationAdvances in Neuromuscular ResearchAdvances in Physical ...
In child and adolescent psychiatry, standardized parental reports are regularly used to supplement or, in the case of unavailability, substitute self-reports for sophisticated diagnosis. The newly developed 10-item screening instrument, STREDIS-P, is based on the ICD-11 criteria of GD. It is ...
The product is suitable for being used in family, hospital, oxygen bar, community healthcare, physical care in sports (It can be used before or after doing sports, and it is not recommended to use the device during the...